The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is a federal law that prohibits and seeks to eliminate sexual abuse and sexual harassment in correctional institutions and community corrections settings. Family Guidance Centers is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for staff and residents.
- Family Guidance Centers (FGC) has zero tolerance for sexual abuse or sexual harassment of any person or sexual relationships between staff and residents
- Residents who have consensual sexual contact with another offender will be disciplined
- Residents who initiate non-consensual sexual contact with another offender will be disciplined and referred to Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Contract Oversight Officer
- Employees, contract staff, and volunteers who engage in sexual contact or sexual misconduct with offenders will be terminated and referred for criminal prosecution when applicable
How to Report Institutional Sexual Abuse and/or Staff Sexual Misconduct:
If you have information regarding a resident who has been sexually abused or sexually harassed while under BOP custody or community supervision, please call 630-271-8672 or 217-544-9858, ext. 3118, or 3112
Calls to these numbers at BOP and FGC headquarters are recorded. Messages are checked periodically by staff during business hours and passed on to BOP investigations. You do not have to give your name, but it is critical that you provide as many details as possible.
This includes:
- Name(s) and locations of persons involved
- Names(s) or description of any witnesses to the incident
- BOP offender number (if an offender)
- Brief description of the incident(s)
- Brief description of where the event(s) occurred
- Date(s), time, and place of occurrence(s)
- Names and contact information of others who might have additional information about the incident
- Your contact phone number and address (optional)
Bureau of Prisons investigates all allegations of resident-on-resident sexual abuse and staff sexual misconduct. Investigations are initiated by staff at the RRC and the Investigation Unit at BOP headquarters. Please understand without detailed information, it is difficult to investigate a sexual abuse or sexual harassment situation. REAP
All inmates, residents, and detainees have the right to be protected from retaliations for reporting such incidents. If you feel that you are being retaliated against due to a report, please contact Lisa Watson Retaliation Officer@ 217 544-9858 ext. 3119 and or Janice Hughes PREA Coordinator @ 217 544-9858 3118 ext. 3112.
Reporting Information for Adult Transition Center(s) residents:
Residents housed at Family Guidance Centers are urged to report allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Residents can report by submitting a request slip, a grievance, telling a trusted staff member, or asking a family member or friend to call the report line.
For additional information, questions about PREA or the Bureau of Prisons Community Corrections, please contact:
Maria Crawford, BOP Program Mgr, Attention PREA, 120 North 11th St, Springfield, IL 62703, (217) 544-9858, 3118.
Rashawn Walker, BOP Contract Oversight Officer, 200 West Adams #2915, Chicago, IL 60606, 630-271-8672.
First Responders information for a PREA Incident.
- Secure and separate, alleged victim from alleged Perpetrator. Alleged victim goes to a private area with staff, may be placed in Dr. Dr office. Victim and Perpetrator are not to have contact; Perpetrator may remain in lounge on second floor where the person can be monitored by camera.
- Secure the area where incident allegedly took place. Lock rooms and secure keys if there are any
- If it is an allegation of rape with any form of penetration, ask the victim not to shower, make sure they have blankets if necessary.
- Call PREA compliance offices M. Crawford. If possible, I will speak with alleged victim in private by phone.
- The police will be called. If police are deemed necessary, they should be given access to the area, the victim and the perpetrator.
- You will need to be mindful of time and anything outstanding about the incident as the First responder is the one who will have most pertinent information about the incident for investigations.
- M. Crawford or her designee will report to the agency to monitor situation.
- Be aware that PREA covers sexual abuse and sexual harassment in correctional institutions and community corrections settings. In many forms and that includes staff on Inmate and Inmate on Inmate, END the SILENCE pamphlet gives more examples.
- FGC and BOP will hold accountable any persons found to have committed any form of sexual abuse or sexual harassment against another person. It is part of your job responsibilities to report any such interactions or behaviors between Inmates and or staff.
- Everyone has the right to be protected from retaliation for reporting such incidents, if you feel as if you are being retaliated against because you made a report Contact M. Crawford
It is very important that this information remain confidential during the investigation, it is inappropriate to speak about these situations outside of a professional arena at all time we must protect both the victims and the perpetrator until the case is founded or unfounded